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7 Reasons Every Family Should Treasure Sunday Dinner

Writer: Rose OusleyRose Ousley

In the 1997 film Soul Food, the Josephine "Mother Joe" Simpson emphasized the cherished tradition of her family's weekly Sunday dinner gatherings around a bountiful feast. "We have been more fortunate than a lot of people," she proclaimed. "We've had a blessing that a lot of other folks don't have. We had each other." This heartwarming scene beautifully captured the soul-nourishing power of making time to break bread together as a family.

In our modern age of overscheduled lives and constant digital distractions, the simple act of gathering for a leisurely, home-cooked meal is increasingly rare. But taking a pause each week to reconnect over soul-satisfying comfort foods is something every family should prioritize and treasure.

"A heap a helping of fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and collard greens" - Goodie Mob
Sunday Dinner

Here are 7 compelling reasons why keeping up the tradition of Sunday dinner is so invaluable:

  1. Nurture Closer Family Bonds With our culture's frenetic pace, it's all too easy for family members' paths to rarely cross during the weekday hustle. Having a designated meal for coming together helps nurture closeness. Looking into each other's eyes, sharing stories, and making memories around the table cultivates the meaningful connections that families crave.

  2. Maintain Beloved Culinary Traditions Many of our most cherished recipes and culinary traditions have been lovingly passed down for generations around the Sunday dinner table. It's how grandmother's famous fried chicken, auntie's succulent beef stew, or mom's signature chocolate cake live on. Weekly Sunday meals celebrate a family's culinary heritage.

  3. Prioritize Health and Nutrition In our fast food-centric society, gathering for frequent home-cooked meals ensures families are regularly consuming fresh, nourishing ingredients. Preparing and enjoying Sunday dinner together also promotes healthier eating habits and better nutrition from a young age.

  4. Unplug From the Noise With screens, digital distractions, and endless entertainment options constantly vying for our attention, it's rare to go an extended period of time completely unplugged and present. A tech-free, laidback Sunday dinner encourages families to tune out the noise and be fully engaged with each other.

  5. Share Values and Life Lessons Sunday meals offer the perfect opportunity for parents, grandparents, and elders to impart wisdom and life lessons, and pass along family stories and cultural traditions. The dinner table is where much of a family's values get shaped and reinforced from generation to generation.

  6. Instill a Sense of Routine and Tradition It's been said that "familiarity breeds comfort," and few things are more comforting than a reliable family routine. Having a standing weekly dinner date gives children and families something steady to look forward to, creating grounding traditions that endure for decades.

  7. Savor the Simple Joys Together In our achievement-obsessed society, it's so easy to become overly focused on checking boxes and constantly striving for more. Slowing down for a nourishing meal is an opportunity to savor the simple joys of companionship, good food, and being present as a family. These unhurried moments are precious.

Looking back on Soul Food's poignant family dinner scenes brings both heartwarming nostalgia and an important reminder of why this ritual means so much. From reinforcing family closeness to preserving culinary legacies and making time to pause from life's frenzy, the humble Sunday dinner holds incredible power. It nurtures bonds, nourishes bodies and souls, and keeps beloved traditions alive for the next generation. While modern life will continually hustle us in a million directions, it's tradition and ritual that ground us and provide stability. For families, that often starts at the Sunday dinner table.

Check out the cookbook Sunday Dinner With Ms Rose

Check out the cookbook Y'all Eat Yet


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